10 Things You Can Make with Letterpress


Letterpress is a printing technique that offers numerous possibilities for creative exploration. I love experimenting and discovering new things to make.

Below are my top 10 favorite things to print!

#1: Wedding Invitations

You probably could have guessed that one! With the invention of photopolymer plates in the late 1980s, letterpress wedding invitations have become one of the most common letterpress printed items today.

#2: Greeting Cards

You can have so much fun making greeting cards with letterpress. One year, I hand-carved my own linoleum block to print for my mom on Mother’s Day card!

#3: Bookmarks

I am a huge reader and so I love bookmarks! There a really fun way to use scrap paper and sell on Etsy. Also, tassels are cool to add as well :)

#4: Custom Stationery

I sold custom stationery on Etsy for years and it was pivital for my business when I was starting out. I don’t sell them anymore but its my go-to gift for friends when they get married or have babies!

#5: Save the Dates

Save the dates are a great way to compliment wedding invitations! They are also smaller than invitations, which makes them easier to sell on Etsy and attract more organic traffic to your business.

#6: Art Prints

Limited edition or wholesale art prints are a great way to express your creativity and make prints and posters that bring you joy.

#7: Packaging

DIY any and all packaging for your business with letterpress! Over the years, I’ve printed on boxes, and made thank you cards, stickers, and gift tags to save money on outsourcing packaging (and using leftover paper scraps, of course).

#8: Business Cards

Although business cards are not widely used today, designing them can be such an enjoyable process, allowing you to create something unique and personal.

#9: Menus

Every designer loves a good menu. Whether you team up with a local restaurant or sell pre-set designs on Etsy, letterpress menus are a blast.

#10: Plant Cards

I love plants. So, for a while, I printed these mini plant cards that I used when gifting plants to friends. The cards told them what type of plant it was, how to take care of it, and more. Not something you see every day, right?

In conclusion


In conclusion 〰️

Honestly, I could go on with more ideas—the opportunities with letterpress are endless! Hopefully, I have inspired you to get out there and create something unique and beautiful of your own.


Want to learn letterpress?

Join me in my online course, Makeready! I will teach you everything you need to know to start printing like a pro.

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Which Letterpress is Right For You?


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